K5CBS Station
HF Rigs
Yaesu FT-2000.........in my shack
Kenwood TS-480S.....in truck
VHF/UHF Radios
Kenwood TM-D710.....in my shack
Kenwood TM-D710 w/GPS.....in truck
Icom 208H.....extra radio
Other Equipment
My amplifier is an Ameritron AL-82 (legal limit).
For digital modes, I use a Signalink USB and MFJ-1279 interfaces with MixW software.
My headset is a Heil Proset Elite and boom mic is a Heil HM-12, attached to an MFJ-1263 Mic/Radio Switch controlled by either a Heil footswitch or Heil handswitch.
I have a mint condition Heathkit HW-101, an old Johnson Viking transmitter, Astatic D-104 mic, old Johnson desk mic, misc tubes and stuff from W4PDY (SK), Uncle Wilson's shack.
I use an Astron RS-35M power supply in my shack for the 12 volt stuff and I have a Yaesu VX-8G GPS 2m/440 handheld that I carry sometimes when I am portable.
Primary shack HF antennas are:
(1) Cushcraft R-8 vertical (6-40 meters) up 30 feet
(2) Alpha Delta LB-DX Plus (10-160 meters) in Inverted Vee configuration up 50 feet at the vertex.
I use an MFJ-989D legal limit tuner.
I have a two meter vertical and a yagi with rotor as well as a six meter vertical and yagi with rotor and two 40 ft push up poles that I have not had time to put together.
I also have 50 ft of Rohn 25 tower laying on the ground, just waiting to be erected. When I put the tower up, my plan is to have a Cushcraft A4S with an A3WS on top of that for my main antennas. Just takes time and money!!!
I am working on several home renovation and add-on projects that are taking my time now. I will have to get my priorities straight and get these antennas in the air soon.
I also have a Peet Brothers Ultimeter 2100 Weather Station that I use for uploading weather info to my website and for UI View data to the Stone County EOC during severe weather and tropical events.